Thursday 24 April 2008


There's an old lady, who stands over the Earth, because she's very big. But she's also very invisible... sometimes. Luckily for us, she decided to show herself to us so that we can show you who she is.

She has been around for a very long time. No living thing nor their ancestors (dead or alive) ever remember a world without her (or more noticeably, her work). Look outside at a tree or some other plant and think about the changes it goes through. Look at the sun, and how hot or not, how high or low it is in the sky, and think how it changes through the year.
Look at the weather and pay particular attention to the clouds! (if there is any)
Without Cheid'a we'd never have these things, like the seasons or the weather. Think of her as the Earth's stage manager, she makes sure everyone and everything comes on and off the "stage" at the appropriate time. From her control panel, she controls the sun, like it were a spot light,how bright it is, where it is etc. She also makes sure that things like greenery appears and disapears, over the seasons, flicking a switch and turning a nob.
However, all the work she does, does not explain the clouds. Those are just her hobby. On her days off, she likes to warm herself by the sun, whilst using the earth as a spinning wheel, and weaving all those clouds for us.
One word of warning, just because you know who causes it all, it doesn't mean that you can make recommendations or complain to her. The bits of revenge she orders "onstage" to us "actors and props" is not worth the hassel!

Friday 11 April 2008

Mr. & Mrs.

Mr. Ogard (on the left) & Mrs. Doragg (on the right) asked us to be introduced today...

Mr Ogard (known to us as "the radio guy") is best described as, well, very fast. You know how traditionally we have been taught, in science, about radiowaves that carry information from one place to another? Well, that is a lie, and Mr Ogard feels a bit upset that he doesn't get any credit for his work. You see when we listen to the radio, watch tv, or have a conversation over the phone, Mr Ogard is busy carrying all of these messages around, and using paint to make images (and then cleaning them off to change it), and manipulating his voice to make diverse sounds and voices. As you can imagine, if you take into account all the TVs, radios and phone in use, he must be doing his job very very quickly to make it seem that we are getting a "signal" from another part of the world without being broken up! Also Mr Ogard would like to apologize for one thing, when you get static on the radio its when Mr Ogard is a bit hungry. This is just an unfortunate side-effect of his work which is unavoidable.

Please now take a moment to look up at the night sky (when you can see it) and really appreciate the wonderfully shiny stars. You see they don't shine by themselves. No. You see its Mrs Doragg who is the cosmic housecleaner, and it is she who polishes the stars to make them look very bright! She also tries to clean up all of those nebula that are just scattered all over the place by cosmic litter-bugs. One of her favourite hobbies is to find little bits of broken satellites and rockets that are send into space and makes them into little cleaning gadgets. When she doesn't need a bit, she'll just give it to Mr Ogard who can ALWAYS make a use for it somehow, she can't just throw it away, like a, well, a litter-bug!

Wednesday 9 April 2008

Big Bang

When the Universe gave birth to Gaia, life emerged, manifesting in countless forms. Us humans, inherited a wonderful capacity for creation as well, which has been manifested in also, countless forms. The world of imagination is part of us, and it has a mysterious power to bring meaning to life in countless ways. This blog is one of those manifestations of meaning within imagination, and of imagination within creativity, and of creativity within humans, and of humans within Gaia, and of Gaia within the Universe... We are artists, and we enjoy what we do!

Now, let's get down to business...

First up, we have Jookbog the Storyteller. She's our helper, without her, we may never find the right words to tell you about our diverse marvels. Whether its a little odd or profoundly poetic.

Here's herself talking about herself; "I am Jookbog the Storyteller. I tell many stories about many things, because there are many stories about many things and many things about which, there are many stories. With me so far?

"But here, in the Wyrd World Chronicles, I shall be more selective, and tell about the Wyrd, whacky, bizarre and ridiculous because, of course, there are many Wyrd, whacky, bizarre and ridiculous things in this strange world, where strange things happen to strange beings in very strange ways, and because there are so many strange things in this universe, it makes it all very, well, normal, you know? And who knows, if you have the right way of seeing things, you can see truly beautiful things here."

Did you get that? Because we're not sure we did!