Monday 25 August 2008


“What’s that?”
“Flippin’eck! What on Earth is that?”
“Erm, I think we have something in the cupboard. It’s moving! What is it?!”
Well we finally found out, it was this snail-like creature that had found itself amongst our clothes and was “eating” the patterns on some of the socks. Well, that is, it opened its mouth and mouthed the socks without actually biting anything off. Instead, the patterns and colours it mouthed then became the colours of its skin and shell! It’s like the mouth was a camera or something and we think it gets its nutrition by taking a “photo” of the patterns.
Well, we have plenty of spare socks to spare, and we’ve made a special little place for this little creature, which we occasionally take out as it likes a bit of a tour around the house, occasionally, seeing if any other patterns are just as tasty as socks (so far, apparently not!)
We’ve called it Munch, and no longer get concerned about the noises it makes. It’s kind of soothing actually…

Wednesday 6 August 2008

At the bottom of the cosmic tree is a Great Fire that cooks the cauldron of existence into activity, swirling and stirring the universe into life, brewing it through its evolution. All God wanted was to boil an egg, and look what happened!
Well, this isn't about anything quite as cosmic as that. No, that just gives us something to start from, a place, because down in this Great Fire live many little and big creatures, perhaps the very creatures that made God's boiled egg go a bit funny. One of these little creatures was a fire sprite, called Lark, A mischevious and fun little creature, but more fun than mischevious. Well one day he saw the Sun moving high overhead, bright and flaming, not too different from his home, and a thought came into his head; "I'd like to be there with the Sun, being able to see everything." Unfortunately, he couldn't get up there by himself, so he couldn't tell the Sun about his desire.Immediately he started forming a plan in his head, and from a feather that had fallen down from Earth, a spark of fire and something a bit like clay, he created a messenger that could reach the Sun for him with his message, a small brown bird with a small crest upon its head, which he called skylark, half after him and half after its mission. It was told to fly high and sing a song to the Sun about Lark's desire, telling the Sun to go down for him since he couldn't go up.So the skylark left the Great Fire, high up it went and past the Earth to the Sun. But by the time it had reached the Sun, it had forgotten its mission. All it could remember was to sing to the Sun, which it did, and which the Sun thought was a very nice song from such a small bird. The skylark was content with itself, but didn't know what to do next. The Sun, in a good helpful mood, pointed to the Earth and talked about open meadows and high skies, which the skylark liked the sound of, So off it went, found itself a nice meadow and made itself a nice nest with some nice chicks, more skylarks. Ever since then the skylark with its children has lived in meadows and flown high, singing to the Sun, even though it has forgotten the reason why, staying on the Earth ever since, "larking around," which is exactly where the expression came from!Lark the fire Sprite never did get his desire fulfilled, but it doesn't matter, since just at the same time the skylark forgot its mission, so did Lark, who was onto pursuing his next desire and the next, and the next, the next, next...
The picture of Lark was done by Adam.
And the sock-bird, Skylark, was done by Mika.


Faster than a speeding snail! More powerful than a toy train! Able to leap tall fleas at a single bound! "Look! Down in the pond!" "It's a fish!" "It's a frog!" "It's Superdibber!"...
Yes, it's Superdibber ... strange visitor from another pond who came to this pond with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal socks and dibbers! Superdibber... who can change the course of mighty puddles, bend copper wire in his bare hands, and who, disguised as A. Planter, mild-mannered dibber for a great metropolitan garden, fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and the dibbing way!