Monday 6 October 2008

The Wyrd World Moves

We're moving..... but don't fret. All of your favourite characters will be moving with us, and new characters and stories will appear here...

At the moment, we haven't done anything with the new blog but soon we'll get it all moved soon and carry on update on the new site.

See you soon! :)

Monday 22 September 2008

There was a beautiful rainbow one day and then came Grrk. Everytime a rainbow appears a Grrk is born. They are like condensed rainbow, made into a living being. A ball of rainbow colours falls to the ground, and then they make a home of whatever they fall on. This one fell on one of our blankets. It won’t leave it, it’s far too shy. We’ve adopted it and named it Grrk, since that’s the noise it makes, a rather croaky grrk. We’ve given it a place to stay and we feed it. Our previous creature, Munch, has become solid friends with it. Often, when they’re together, you hear soft rhythmic sounds of *munch-grrk* as they speak in some unknown language(s) only known to them.

Monday 25 August 2008


“What’s that?”
“Flippin’eck! What on Earth is that?”
“Erm, I think we have something in the cupboard. It’s moving! What is it?!”
Well we finally found out, it was this snail-like creature that had found itself amongst our clothes and was “eating” the patterns on some of the socks. Well, that is, it opened its mouth and mouthed the socks without actually biting anything off. Instead, the patterns and colours it mouthed then became the colours of its skin and shell! It’s like the mouth was a camera or something and we think it gets its nutrition by taking a “photo” of the patterns.
Well, we have plenty of spare socks to spare, and we’ve made a special little place for this little creature, which we occasionally take out as it likes a bit of a tour around the house, occasionally, seeing if any other patterns are just as tasty as socks (so far, apparently not!)
We’ve called it Munch, and no longer get concerned about the noises it makes. It’s kind of soothing actually…

Wednesday 6 August 2008

At the bottom of the cosmic tree is a Great Fire that cooks the cauldron of existence into activity, swirling and stirring the universe into life, brewing it through its evolution. All God wanted was to boil an egg, and look what happened!
Well, this isn't about anything quite as cosmic as that. No, that just gives us something to start from, a place, because down in this Great Fire live many little and big creatures, perhaps the very creatures that made God's boiled egg go a bit funny. One of these little creatures was a fire sprite, called Lark, A mischevious and fun little creature, but more fun than mischevious. Well one day he saw the Sun moving high overhead, bright and flaming, not too different from his home, and a thought came into his head; "I'd like to be there with the Sun, being able to see everything." Unfortunately, he couldn't get up there by himself, so he couldn't tell the Sun about his desire.Immediately he started forming a plan in his head, and from a feather that had fallen down from Earth, a spark of fire and something a bit like clay, he created a messenger that could reach the Sun for him with his message, a small brown bird with a small crest upon its head, which he called skylark, half after him and half after its mission. It was told to fly high and sing a song to the Sun about Lark's desire, telling the Sun to go down for him since he couldn't go up.So the skylark left the Great Fire, high up it went and past the Earth to the Sun. But by the time it had reached the Sun, it had forgotten its mission. All it could remember was to sing to the Sun, which it did, and which the Sun thought was a very nice song from such a small bird. The skylark was content with itself, but didn't know what to do next. The Sun, in a good helpful mood, pointed to the Earth and talked about open meadows and high skies, which the skylark liked the sound of, So off it went, found itself a nice meadow and made itself a nice nest with some nice chicks, more skylarks. Ever since then the skylark with its children has lived in meadows and flown high, singing to the Sun, even though it has forgotten the reason why, staying on the Earth ever since, "larking around," which is exactly where the expression came from!Lark the fire Sprite never did get his desire fulfilled, but it doesn't matter, since just at the same time the skylark forgot its mission, so did Lark, who was onto pursuing his next desire and the next, and the next, the next, next...
The picture of Lark was done by Adam.
And the sock-bird, Skylark, was done by Mika.


Faster than a speeding snail! More powerful than a toy train! Able to leap tall fleas at a single bound! "Look! Down in the pond!" "It's a fish!" "It's a frog!" "It's Superdibber!"...
Yes, it's Superdibber ... strange visitor from another pond who came to this pond with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal socks and dibbers! Superdibber... who can change the course of mighty puddles, bend copper wire in his bare hands, and who, disguised as A. Planter, mild-mannered dibber for a great metropolitan garden, fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and the dibbing way!

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Ovvy the Egg Nanny

Ever wonder what happens to the eggs when a bird wants a break from laying it? Well that's where Ovvy comes in. Just the other day, we walked into our chicken coop and found this little creature handing an egg back to one of our broody chicken. We wondered what was going on and started to question it.

"I'm Ovvy and I'm the Egg Nanny. If you got a fertilized egg that you need taking care of for a short while then you can give it to me and I'll take it for a walk for a couple of hours, I'll even give it a polish if you want!"

And with that she took another egg popped it in her mouth, rolled it around and spat out a brightly polished egg and gave it back to the chicken.

"Now excuse me" she said. "I've got a blue tit clutch to attend to."

Tuesday 1 July 2008


Another of the Octopi Jardinus, we think, but with a little snake thrown in with the snail and octopus parts for good measure. We were having a walk after talking to Octo, and suddenly we came across this one attempting to hide behind a far too small rock and as we neared it, it jumped out, waved its arms and mouthed boo! It almost looked scary but we were laughing too much although very quietly because we saw the same antenae on its head as Octo has.

It couldn't speak but it was trying to communicate vigorously with us but we couldn't understand it. So all it could do was stare at us and blink so we called it Blink.

Then it wandered off, found a place on its own and started dancing to silent music. We still don't know much about it except that it likes to play games and party!

Saturday 28 June 2008


Of the Octopi Jardinus species.
If you go out at midnight and have a look between the salads in your veg patch, you might see one of those...weird examples. People don't see them often, actually, we still haven't heard of anybody who has come across it. Besides, they don't leave a trail like snails do, so you wouldn't be able to track them anyway. But they do leave bite marks on every vegetable they find on their rounds. There's one positive thing about the way they leave things behind... they only bite once, each vegetable. For some reason they don't bite any vegetable more than once. So far it could be because he's very superstitious, or being the great connaisseur he is, he thinks the second bite is never good as the first... So your veg patch remains mostly untouched.If you get to see one, don't scream or make any noise at all, because his auditive faculty is so sensitive that like tuning forks it picks up any sound and vibration and augments it 100 times or so, so his whole body feels it. This means anything exceptionally loud shakes him so much that he breaks the earth's crust and causes earthquakes! Better Octo bites tiny bits of your salad than makes a hole in the earth swallow your whole garden up. But so far he's lovely and very friendly with any living being. We just have to make sure we behave, with inner peace and act like we've taken a vow of silence each time we visit our gardens.

Slock the Noble

When you take your laundry out of the washing machine and find money inside it's not that you forgot to check your pockets before you put it to wash, it's there because Slock pays back all the stuff and rubbish he takes from you while your clothes are spinning around in the washing machine. He picks all the bits and pieces he likes and falls in love with (shiny stuff if possible) and uses them, hanging them on his cloak as talismans. But how in the world can he meticulously pick or even select rigorously all those interesting bits while the drum is spinning so fast?! The answer is; he works in the middle. Actually, he can ONLY work in the middle and ONLY when the drum is spinning at its fastest where centrifugal force pushes all the clothes away from the center of the drum, creating a hollow. That's where Slock works at his best...He hovers in the middle as the clothes spin around him, and using his high tech magnetic antenae he attracts a collection together in front of him so that he can carefully selects all the interesting bits and pieces. When the washing machine stops he drains away with the water but not before he leaves behind some money for payment which explains the loose change or even a note you may find after washing your clothes.

Thursday 24 April 2008


There's an old lady, who stands over the Earth, because she's very big. But she's also very invisible... sometimes. Luckily for us, she decided to show herself to us so that we can show you who she is.

She has been around for a very long time. No living thing nor their ancestors (dead or alive) ever remember a world without her (or more noticeably, her work). Look outside at a tree or some other plant and think about the changes it goes through. Look at the sun, and how hot or not, how high or low it is in the sky, and think how it changes through the year.
Look at the weather and pay particular attention to the clouds! (if there is any)
Without Cheid'a we'd never have these things, like the seasons or the weather. Think of her as the Earth's stage manager, she makes sure everyone and everything comes on and off the "stage" at the appropriate time. From her control panel, she controls the sun, like it were a spot light,how bright it is, where it is etc. She also makes sure that things like greenery appears and disapears, over the seasons, flicking a switch and turning a nob.
However, all the work she does, does not explain the clouds. Those are just her hobby. On her days off, she likes to warm herself by the sun, whilst using the earth as a spinning wheel, and weaving all those clouds for us.
One word of warning, just because you know who causes it all, it doesn't mean that you can make recommendations or complain to her. The bits of revenge she orders "onstage" to us "actors and props" is not worth the hassel!

Friday 11 April 2008

Mr. & Mrs.

Mr. Ogard (on the left) & Mrs. Doragg (on the right) asked us to be introduced today...

Mr Ogard (known to us as "the radio guy") is best described as, well, very fast. You know how traditionally we have been taught, in science, about radiowaves that carry information from one place to another? Well, that is a lie, and Mr Ogard feels a bit upset that he doesn't get any credit for his work. You see when we listen to the radio, watch tv, or have a conversation over the phone, Mr Ogard is busy carrying all of these messages around, and using paint to make images (and then cleaning them off to change it), and manipulating his voice to make diverse sounds and voices. As you can imagine, if you take into account all the TVs, radios and phone in use, he must be doing his job very very quickly to make it seem that we are getting a "signal" from another part of the world without being broken up! Also Mr Ogard would like to apologize for one thing, when you get static on the radio its when Mr Ogard is a bit hungry. This is just an unfortunate side-effect of his work which is unavoidable.

Please now take a moment to look up at the night sky (when you can see it) and really appreciate the wonderfully shiny stars. You see they don't shine by themselves. No. You see its Mrs Doragg who is the cosmic housecleaner, and it is she who polishes the stars to make them look very bright! She also tries to clean up all of those nebula that are just scattered all over the place by cosmic litter-bugs. One of her favourite hobbies is to find little bits of broken satellites and rockets that are send into space and makes them into little cleaning gadgets. When she doesn't need a bit, she'll just give it to Mr Ogard who can ALWAYS make a use for it somehow, she can't just throw it away, like a, well, a litter-bug!

Wednesday 9 April 2008

Big Bang

When the Universe gave birth to Gaia, life emerged, manifesting in countless forms. Us humans, inherited a wonderful capacity for creation as well, which has been manifested in also, countless forms. The world of imagination is part of us, and it has a mysterious power to bring meaning to life in countless ways. This blog is one of those manifestations of meaning within imagination, and of imagination within creativity, and of creativity within humans, and of humans within Gaia, and of Gaia within the Universe... We are artists, and we enjoy what we do!

Now, let's get down to business...

First up, we have Jookbog the Storyteller. She's our helper, without her, we may never find the right words to tell you about our diverse marvels. Whether its a little odd or profoundly poetic.

Here's herself talking about herself; "I am Jookbog the Storyteller. I tell many stories about many things, because there are many stories about many things and many things about which, there are many stories. With me so far?

"But here, in the Wyrd World Chronicles, I shall be more selective, and tell about the Wyrd, whacky, bizarre and ridiculous because, of course, there are many Wyrd, whacky, bizarre and ridiculous things in this strange world, where strange things happen to strange beings in very strange ways, and because there are so many strange things in this universe, it makes it all very, well, normal, you know? And who knows, if you have the right way of seeing things, you can see truly beautiful things here."

Did you get that? Because we're not sure we did!